I'm a 1661 woman - sixteen from behind, sixty one from the front! I'm of the baby boom generation. Loved the fab sixties - which I experienced in London - I was a flower child - thought love would change the world - brought my children up in the country - back in London for the 2nd summer of love in the eighties - danced all night again - wonderful! Now in Devon looking forward to the adventure of old age - bring it on! hahaha

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Nice Evening

I've had a lovely evening. After work I popped on the local bus (one every 15 mins) went to my nearest beach and had a picnic.

I'm saying goodbye to summer - letting go - I need to squeeze every drop out of the last of the summer rays, until the next time.

Which for me, because I am very lucky, will be in Australia in November! Hurrah!


Blogger The fabric of my life said...

Haven't figured out how to type a very loud and long raspberry yet. When I do I will!!!!!!!

September 07, 2006 10:09 pm

Blogger grumpy old woman said...

hee hee


September 08, 2006 6:03 pm


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