I'm a 1661 woman - sixteen from behind, sixty one from the front! I'm of the baby boom generation. Loved the fab sixties - which I experienced in London - I was a flower child - thought love would change the world - brought my children up in the country - back in London for the 2nd summer of love in the eighties - danced all night again - wonderful! Now in Devon looking forward to the adventure of old age - bring it on! hahaha

Sunday, May 14, 2006


The first one is an enamelled baby's potty :o} The second a 50s find at a boot fair. The black ceramic one is tuquoise inside - found this one at an antique market in Barnstaple. The stallholder offered it to me for a cut price of £4!


Blogger leon's life said...

I just so LOVE looking in people's houses. I am so curious to see their furniture and fittings.

Your home seems to have a very 60's feel and this is what I had imagined. I wouldn't have seen you in a home with Laura Ashely prints etc... No I imagined something much more groovy !

May 15, 2006 8:12 am

Blogger Roxy Simmons said...

how are you coming along with your wallpapering of the sitting room walls? have you decided on anything yet?

good to see all your things in your home - it reminds me of being there *sniff*

that's me crying by the way, nothing to do with a whiff ;p

May 16, 2006 3:06 am


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