I'm a 1661 woman - sixteen from behind, sixty one from the front! I'm of the baby boom generation. Loved the fab sixties - which I experienced in London - I was a flower child - thought love would change the world - brought my children up in the country - back in London for the 2nd summer of love in the eighties - danced all night again - wonderful! Now in Devon looking forward to the adventure of old age - bring it on! hahaha

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Spent some time with Tats & Co. yesterday - so lovely to see them.

Guy asked me if there was a man in my life and I found myself trying to justify to him why I'm happy as a singleton. Some people, especially men, seem to think it's a bit sad that I'm "on my own". They can't seem to be able to imagine a woman being happy without a man.

It set me thinking about all the reasons why I'm happy as I am.

I'm not a man hater - in fact some of my best friends are men - hahaha - and I'm not disrespecting the time that I spent as a married woman - I gained a lot from the experience - the most precious things of course being my two fabulous daughters - but I am really enjoying living on my own, which I have never done before.

So, here are some of the benefits of this happy, single life. (I think the list makes me sound selfish but, having spent many years being a wife and parent and generally putting the rest of the family first, then a little selfishness now is sooooo enjoyable .... hee hee).

Some of the reasons why I'm happy to be single:

Going where I want, when I want
Never having to explain what I'm up to
Having my own money and being able to spend it on what I want
Never having to explain (or hide!) a purchase

The bathroom is mine, all mine - the girlie decor and stuff around it is just how I want it
No one bangs on the door when I'm in the bath or using the loo - in fact I don't have to shut the door
No men's dribbles on the floor or toilet seat
No horrid skid marks left on the inside of the bowl
No scummy rings left around the bath

When I plump the cushions they stay that way
When I tidy up it stays tidy
The remote control is all mine - I can channel hop to my hearts content
Never having to watch a game of football ever again - or even hear the sound of a match on TV
I never have to justify the trash TV that I watch

I can cook what I like - eat what I like - when I like
I can buy what I like in the supermarket

I live with someone who respects my opinions and laughs at my jokes ........ me!

I've realised that the list could go on and on.

So, having been through the motherhood and married stage, which I'm soo glad to have had the priviledge to experience, I do really feel now like I'm on holiday all the time - it's great :o}


Blogger lettuce said...

Glad you're having fun with Tat etc. - do give them big hugs from me.

And glad you enjoy being alone. I've been having to face/think through the prospect - might not come to that, but it might.... and your blog gives me hope!

February 26, 2006 8:09 pm

Blogger lettuce said...

thanx - yes, friends make all the difference!

February 27, 2006 7:00 pm

Blogger The fabric of my life said...

Oh stop it or we shall have to change your blog name to smug old woman!!!

March 01, 2006 11:03 am

Blogger grumpy old woman said...

hahahaha ........... ~(:o})=

March 01, 2006 4:53 pm

Blogger Antipodeesse said...

Dear Grumpy/Smug,

I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to a similar life style one day!

It's great that you're blogging too: I really enjoy these "coffee mornings" with Donna and the girls!

April 02, 2006 7:59 pm


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